
What are they and why would anyone want to reincarnate?

Let’s start by addressing what a Past Life is. A past life is a life your soul has lived before your current life. A soul can have many past lives transcending space, time, and also beings. Meaning that your soul may be embodied by a human life such as the one reading this.  But in its last life you may have animated anything from a bug or squirrel to a completely different being entirely. One that we as humans might not even comprehend. 

For centuries humans across all continents have passed on tales of reincarnation. Our souls are born again and again as different people in different times. 

“You have an Old Soul.”

Have you ever heard a person say to someone else  “I think so and so has an old soul.”? Oftentimes people characterized as having an “old soul” are individuals who seem quite sturdy and unfazed by the normal nuances of human existence. With their “been there done that” attitude being attributed to having a soul that has lived a human life before. 

Your Choice to Reincarnate

Now let’s move onto why a soul may want to reincarnate. And I say “why” because as far as I am aware as a psychic medium it is a soul’s choice whether or not they wish to reincarnate after living a life. 

When a soul chooses to reincarnate it is for a sole purpose. To gain a higher level of consciousness.

Spirit Guides & Soul Contracts

Each time a soul reincarnates it does so with a “roughly” predetermined outline of the life it is going to live. This is known as its “Soul Contract”. This is also where a soul’s Spirit Guides come into play.

Spirit Guides are a soul's single or group of spiritual beings that are put in place to guide that soul, once it is a physical being, in the right direction given the Soul Contract it has drafted. 

I like to call a soul’s spirits guides their “Legal Committee” to their Soul Contract. Helping to guide the soul on their physical journey of life because they have incarnated to learn certain lessons.


Well Rounded Spiritual Consciousness

When a soul chooses to reincarnate it is not always for fun. It is to learn lessons. Lessons that will attempt to balance the karmic scales of the universe and grow that soul’s spiritual consciousness. 

Living multiple physical lives, each with different lessons, scenarios, bodies, genders, beginnings, and ends is what creates a “well-rounded” soul. Think of each life as being full of different lessons teaching a soul the difference between sympathy and empathy.

Sympathy vs. Empathy

Sympathy is one’s ability to imagine what another being is feeling or experiencing without actually having experienced what the other being has. Empathy on the other hand is one’s capacity to wholeheartedly relate and understand the emotions and experiences of another because they have been through the same or similar life experience(s). 

Each separate life a soul experiences brings them that much closer to being able to wholeheartedly empathize with all other souls. This is raising their spiritual consciousness. 

Spiritually Leveling Up

One could even call it “leveling up” spiritually. With each life a soul lives giving them a more well-rounded understanding and empathy for the universe and its innermost workings. 

Different Beings

Yes! There are different beings that souls can reincarnate as. Em and I know that as twin flames we have both been incarcerated as human beings in multiple past lives. Em knows she has been an orca whale and during her time as an orca I was supposedly a mermaid.

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Want More? Listen & Watch!

To learn more about our other past lives and the spiritual beings such as fairies, we know we have lived as listen to our Podcast! There we go into much more in depth conversations about the many past lives we have lived.

 Not into listening and need to watch our beautiful faces? Tune into our Past Lives Youtube video instead. Or both!

Thanks for reading and as always, for entertainment and education on all things metaphysical we are your META PSYCKICKS! 

*** Insert excited face***  Stay tuned for info about future Merchandise and Patreon content! 



Divination Trio


Spirit Guides and Your Spiritual Awakening