Spirit Guides and Your Spiritual Awakening


How to Connect to Your Spirit Guides

You may be talking to your spirit guides and not even know it! Your spirit guides have always been there and have been communicating with you for a while. This may make you perceive their voice as your own thoughts. Your ego may mask their voices as you talking to you in your head. However, there are ways to break through your ego enough to have a good connection with your spirit guides, and here are the steps that we recommend.


STEP ONE - Self Reflection Through Understanding Your Chakras

Your Rejected Shadow

Living the human experience in our society has made you alter your behaviors to fit a certain expected standard. Many times this sets us up to have self-limiting beliefs, trauma, anxiety, depression, etc to which many don't even believe that they have! I was one of those people!

I always thought that people with trauma are people that experienced horrible things that would be categorized as "traumatic", but in fact, our brains react the same way to rejection on a small scale vs a large scale. This is why many people would admit to not having trauma when in actuality they do.

As a child, I was alienated by everyone I knew. I, like many others, felt the pressure to fit in with the people around me, and when I didn't I started to pick myself apart to understand why I was so different? What was wrong with me?

The first step in connecting with your spirit guides is shadow work. But to understand shadow work, you must understand your shadow self. Your shadow holds all of the parts of you that you do not want to see. Now, do you see why I started this TED talk with my sob stories of rejection? Your shadow is your rejected self. And this rejection list goes back lifetimes. This is what you have to work on. But don't worry, I have a checklist for you.


The Chakra Checklist

In a previous blog, we taught you about the chakra system. This is your checklist. Your 8 main chakras will reveal where you have lost yourself.

As we have explained before, each chakra flows into the next. You must start with your root chakra. Your root chakra deals with survival and it is blocked by fear. My root chakra was being blocked by my anxiety disorder. I have a panic disorder that makes me have consistent panic attacks out of the blue. And when I was younger, I feared that I would not be able to hold a job due to the debilitating panic attacks. This was the first block I had to deal with.

I figured out why it started happening, I found ways of grounding myself, and finally could escape the constant fear. But once the panic attacks subsided, I was left with the emotional pain that caused them. My root chakra had been unblocked, but that leads to my next block.

The sacral chakra deals with emotional intelligence and is blocked by grief. After dealing with my anxiety, I had found that my depression now took the leading role. I felt that heaviness that prevented me from getting out of bed, but I couldn't live like this.

Again, I needed to find the answers to why I felt so rejected. But as I have said before, society puts a stigma on trauma. You only have trauma if you experienced the unthinkable, but I found that this statement was actually a lie. I had trauma, and this trauma is what led to my panic disorder. It is what led to fear itself. Removing fear allowed me to see that. It allowed me to see my trauma but the funny thing about trauma is your brain has a hard time accepting it. This flows into the next block.

The solar plexus chakra deals with willpower and is block by shame. Do not feel shameful about the traumas you lived and the person it made you. This is what you must realize with this chakra. When you find your rejections, do not feel that you are alone because that is what they want you to feel. You are a human being, you are vulnerable, you are allowed to have trauma and you are NOT alone. Seeing my trauma and accepting them made me feel that I needed to blame those who caused it. But again, I was misled.

The heart chakra deals with love and compassion and is block by grief. At first, I found myself angry. Angry at those people who bullied me, the people who hurt me, and the people who didn't understand. But now that you understand your own pain and trauma, you see it in other people. You can't stop seeing it. Now I realize, why would I blame those people. Those people who did those things in reaction to their own trauma. The trauma that they have yet to see.

“Do you get this yet? “

Your chakras are pieces of yourself that you have lost by "trying to fit in." But this robot you think you need to be is not helping anyone, and it sure is not allowing you to hear the messages of the beings society says don't exist. Stop trying to fit it. Be Yourself.

STEP TWO: Your Spirit Guides will Step Forward to Help You.

You may be listening to my story and thinking that this seems way easier than it should be, but they don't call it ego death for no reason. This is a lot of hard work and acceptance. A lot of this stuff, I needed to learn the hard way because society told me that I was fine. I didn't see my trauma. I was not fine.

The good news is you will not be doing this alone. You are never alone.

Remember when I told you that your spirit guides are always talking to you? Well, once you accept this journey of self-reflection, you will have guides that step forward to help you. And for me, when this happened, I started getting complete thoughts that were not my own.

I got a new spirit guide. Her name is Roseline, and she helps me with processing trauma. And because she was a "new voice" on my spiritual team, I was able to separate her messages from my own thoughts. Whereas, my main spirit guide has always been there which makes it hard to know where my thoughts end and his begin.

“This is when I first made a connection with my guides.”


STEP THREE: Protection

The Mysterious Tapping

Spiritual journeys are a very vulnerable experience. And this vulnerability and the beginnings of the connections with Spirit is what may open you up to manipulation. Once you start to find your psychic gifts, you are not only opening yourself up to your spirit guides but to things that may not have your best interest at heart. This is where you need to establish a form of protection.

With opening up your psychic gift, you are still a little unsure about what exactly you are experiencing. You may even feel a little nervous. Well, this is a perfect situation for an entity to come in and take advantage of.

I had a similar experience with my spiritual journey. I was slowly finding out that I have very strong clairaudience or clear/psychic hearing. And all of a sudden I started hearing a tapping noise somewhere in my kitchen. I immediately thought that it was my cats getting into my food. So I went into the kitchen to find... NOTHING. I walk back out and see all 3 animals in deep slumbers and my ego immediately tries to explain the unexplainable away. I thought maybe this was just a new noise my house made... even though I had never heard this sound before.

A few days later Liv, who is a psychic medium, comes over and is approached by my spirit guide who starts showing her the tapping noise in my cabinets. She asks me about it and start describing a little dark ball of energy that is trying to scare me, a little skittery dark entity or trickster. She explains that it came in through the fireplace and thinks that it is very funny by tapping on things. She then describes the furnace room in my basement but feels as if she is up high to which we later found out that it hides in my crawl space under the kitchen.

“This dark entity knew that I could hear it and exploited that in order to scare me.”

Luckily this was a small entity but lesson learned. Once your gifts start opening up, don't push the pedal to the metal. Learn how to protect yourself and the rest will follow.


Casting a Patronus

BUT... How exactly do we protect ourselves? If you look this up on the internet, 9/10 you will find someone that tells you to imagine a white light surrounding you and they aren't wrong. But that statement can be hard for a beginner to understand exactly what they are doing.

Everything is energy including you, but you also give off different types of energy. This energy is effected by your emotions. Energy has a frequency and frequencies give off colors. This is where the white light comes in. White light is faith which is unyielding belief. Faith is a very strong energy and is not easily manipulated. Because when you have faith in something, there is no condition that will make you not believe.

“But Faith is a hard concept for humans to grasp.”

They seem to always want proof. If you ask someone why they believe or have faith many times they can give you reasons. These reasons are conditions that need to be met in order for you to have faith. That's not faith and this white light trick will not work if you do not have faith.

So instead, I use pink light. Pink light is unconditional love. This kind of love is very similar to faith in the idea that there are no conditions. But love is something that a human can understand as infinite. It is something you can accept for face value. You don't need proof. That is why many people can't explain what love really is. It's because it’s unconditional. They do not need to know why they are in love. It just is.

So I have a very quirky way of explaining it to muggles if you have seen Harry Potter. In Harry Potter, there is a spell that protects the caster from the darkness called a Patronus Charm. Now how this spell works is by using the power of your "happiest memory," but many of the characters' happiest memories are when they feel most loved. So cast your Patronus to protect yourself by using a memory where you feel most loved and make a good one. Just like in the movie, it has got to be a powerful memory!


STEP FOUR: Strengthen Your Intuition and Discover Your Psychic Abilities.

Once you have created some sort of protection. You can start really exploring your psychic abilities. We have just released content explaining each of the Clair/psychic abilities that allow you to communicate with Spirit. So go check that out HERE.

Figuring out your Clairs and how your spirit guides communicate with you will help you to start understanding where your thoughts end and your spirit guide's beginning as well as accepting these messages instead of questioning them. However, this is going to be different for every person. We can give you a very basic overview of how each abilities works but that does not mean it is the only way.

For example, I am clairaudient. Most people explain this ability as physically hearing spirits or hearing them in your head, speech manipulation, as well as other things. However, they never mention a volume aspect of clairaudience. For me, when I need to pay attention to something, it gets louder to the point where I can't ignore it.

So do not go research intuition and take what you find as law because this is a very personal experience and can be different for each person!

One of the best ways that I have found to start opening your intuition is to use physical objects. Since we are physical beings, this makes the spirit realm a lot easier to understand. There are quite a few intuition games and tools you can use to help understand and develop your abilities.

My go-to is tarot. Tarot really allowed me to open my walls for a stronger connection with spirit. And using these practices regularly slowly but surely makes the connection stronger and stronger! Intuition is like a muscle. You need to exercise it regularly.

Speaking of physicals tools, if you are still struggling to connect with your guides, my last piece of advice is to contact them with a sign or symbol. We go into detail on how to do this in a previous blog. Check it out HERE. It is important to have a connection with them during your spiritual journey as they are your BEST teachers!

Eager for More or Don’t like to Read? Listen and Watch!

If you want to learn more, tune into Meta PsycKick’s YouTube Channel to watch Em and Liv discuss Spirit Guides and their spiritual journeys.

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YouTube, Podcasts, Blogs, Oh MY!

Between YouTube videos and Podcast Episodes, Em and Liv cover the topics of Spirit Guides, their Spirit Guides, and so much more! Tune in each Wednesday on YouTube as Em and Liv cover totally Meta topics from Paranormal Stories of a Medium to Chakra Guide Basics. Or listen to Em and Liv discuss these topics and others as you drive to work, sit at your day job, or clean the house in their new podcast episodes, released every Sunday!


Past Lives


Psychic Medium Draws Spirit Guides