Do Crystals Really Work? 

This week Em and I took a deep dive into the world of crystals and their different metaphysical properties. There are so many crystals each with varying healing or spiritually enhancing abilities and histories! We picked the 10 crystals we think are the best basic crystals for beginners to try.

The Un-Intoxicated Amethyst

Just to be honest, Em and I have never used crystals to try and aid in certain areas of our spiritual or physical lives and were quite skeptical; However, our results after putting them to the test were really remarkable.

First, we’re going to start with Amethyst. This stone is said to assist in spiritual protection and purification. It cleanses a person’s energy field of negative influences and any possible attachments creating a shield of Spiritual Light around the body. This shield acts as a barrier against lower energy forms (i.e. ‘little skittery things’), possible psychic attacks, geopathic stress, and unhealthy/negative environments.

In relation to physical health, amethyst is supposed to aid in headache relief as well. Now, I find this very interesting because according to Greek and Roman lore (depending on the God’s names being used. I’m going to quote Greek Gods.) Dionysus the God of Wine became enraged one day and swore the next person to cross his path would be devoured by a tiger. Well, the next individual to come near him was an innocent girl on her way to pray to the goddess Athena. Before the tiger could strike, the girl begged Athena to save her. So she did by turning her into the amethyst stone.


Amethyst translated means, “un-intoxicated”.

Because of this tale and the stone’s name, ancient Greek and Roman people would adorn their wine glasses with amethyst crystals believing they would not be affected by the drink’s alcohol content. We all know that the side effect of drinking too much is a hangover, most commonly accompanied by a headache… Isn’t it fascinating that amethyst is supposed to soothe headaches?

Absorbing Black Obsidian

Next, is black obsidian. This crystal is said to have the aura of absolute mystery. Its energy draws you in softly, but deeply. This is a strongly protective stone with truth-enhancing properties, and the metaphysical ability to devour any negative energy around you from your environment. Physiologically black obsidian aids in drawing our mental stress and tension.

Personally, as a psychic medium, I am averse to this stone. My understanding of this stone is that it is used to protect you against evil and/or dark energies (i.e. ‘little skittery things’ or stronger dark entities’). I was inclined to purchase one for the sole purpose of making the trip to Em’s friend Janelle’s house since she was experiencing negative paranormal activity (please see last blog entry for more info) but decided against it. I remember standing in the crystal shop, my hand hovering above the small black stones, and I felt their mysterious lull. Gently tugging at my energy field.


The feeling of a quiet force pulling against me frightened me.

I felt that if I put one of the stones in my pocket while traveling to Janelle’s home that any lower energies around me would challenge the stone they know I had in my pocket. So I decided against buying black obsidian. With that being said, I don’t deny the powers the crystal may possess. As a psychic medium, I just feel that maybe you should stick to other protective stones for warding off or shielding from general negative energy unless you think you may have a dark entity within your space. This crystal may unassumingly suck negative things near you as a side effect of its powerful negative energy absorbing capabilities.

A Moon Goddess Named Selene and a Stone Named Selenite

Now onto Selenite! Selenite, named after the moon goddess Selene, is a high vibrational stone, meaning it has a lot of energy to share.


Fun fact, this was Em’s first crystal.

Selenite is said to guide a person towards faster spiritual growth. It promotes your ability to see things more objectively by helping you to remove yourself from a situation to look at it from a new view. This stone aids in quieting the energy around one’s self allowing its user to better feel the metaphysical world around them. (*hint* This is why selenite is said to help guide spiritual growth.) This crystal creates a soothing vibrational effect to calm your personal energy and help soothe any physical anxiety. Selenite alone is an energy powerhouse capable of cleansing your other crystals too!

Down Under The Aquamarine


Next, we have aquamarine. Akin to selenite in metaphysical properties this stone comes from the sea. It is believed that the lighter-colored, raw stones that remain untreated hold the most power. Some jewelers will heat treat the stone causing the crystals to turn a darker hue, but this compromises the metaphysical integrity of the stone by lowering its physical vibrational capacity.

Aquamarine is used to heal emotional trauma, relieve stress, and allow a person to get in touch with their suppressed emotions. Through these capabilities, this stone can help bring peace, clear its holder’s mind, and calm their heart. With a more clear mind and calmer heart, the holder of aquamarine may also be able to better speak their truth and enhance their natural psychic abilities.

When choosing any crystal for yourself, it is important to try and focus on the stones you can pick from and let them guide you to the one that’s right for you. Each person is different, and if you don’t feel as if any one stone or the stones, in general, don’t “speak to you” that is okay. You may not even know it is happening! But I, do like to listen to the stones and let them guide me to the one right for me. (Think of yourself like “The Claw” for ToyStory LOL.)

How the stones feel to you may vary, but some say and I have to agree at least for the stone I picked from Em and myself,  the feeling of aquamarine is like that of the water it comes from, playful and a bit mischievous.

Move Over Roses, Hello Rose Quartz


Do you feel the love yet? Because it’s rose quartz’s time!

Rose quartz is known as the stone of universal love. This dreamy pink crystal is thought to restore trust and harmony in relationships and encourage unconditional love. It purifies and opens the hearts of its user and others to promote self-love, friendship, and deeper inner healing and feelings of peace.

Don’t let the lovely aura of rose quartz fool you!

Em and I believe that this is one powerful stone. Many people seem to think that rose quartz world like a jin in a bottle attracting love to you such as “finding” your soulmate. But we don’t think that is the case. Rose quartz is not meant to draw love to you, but to surround you or a person you’re fond of in unconditional love. As a psychic medium, I can tell you that unconditional, selfless love is one of the most powerful protections there is, and rose quartz is just that. So the next time you find yourself needing a little self-love and protection, or you want to share your unconditional love with a friend or loved one, buy yourself or them a rose quartz stone to show them you really care.

Citraline…Citra… C.I.T.R.I.N.E!


Can I pronounce this stone properly? No! So I’m going to type it. Citrine, A.K.A “The Merchant’s Stone” is supposed to aid in your manifestation goals. This golden-colored stone boosts creativity, activates your intuition, increases your self-confidence, promotes a positive attitude, enhances concentration, and helps you to balance your emotions and overcome your fears! If these positive attributes don’t help you to manifest your own abundance, wealth, and prosperity, I don’t know what will.

Em has been trying to carry around this stone in her pocket for about two weeks, but it keeps falling out of her pocket or anywhere else she puts it. It seems to be trying to get as far away from her as possible. It could be a coincidence, but when she carries it with other stones, it is always the only stone that gets lost while the others remain in her pocket. I find this hilarious because Em has just acquired a tarot card deck that continuously informs her that her present dilemma is “abundance”. She has a hard time accepting good things because she feels almost unworthy of such things. I see this little stone’s habit of yeeting itself away from her as its own way of saying. “You’re not ready for me and my powers, and ya’ don’t need me anyways, so leave me be!” We’ll see if her relationship with her opinionated citrine stone changes in the future.

Pump, Pump It Up, Pump Up The Clear Quartz Energy!


Clear quartz. Gosh, this stone has turned out to be a problem child of our stones…

This powerful crystal is sometimes called “the energy stone,” and Em and I found this out the hard way. This crystal is believed to enhance energy, bringing emotional strength, and uplift its person with great power. It is supposed to improve your connection to Spirit and bring harmony. Clear quartz is said to be protective, purify one’s spirit, mental state, and physical well-being.

But be careful! This stone is an amplifying stone, its energy exaggerates the metaphysical abilities of the stones it is in close proximity to. So much so that when I walked into Em’s home after she had bought the crystals and charged them in the moonlight, her entire home felt like a live wire. We learn the hard way that not all stones can be so close together.

Harmonizing Fluorite


Onto Fluorite! This crystal is a highly protective and most importantly stabilizing stone useful for grounding and harmonizing you and your spiritual energy. Fluorite comes in a variety of colors and can be multi-colored as well. Its color’s consist of clear, purple, blue, yellow, green, and rainbow. When working with upper chakras, fluorite can increase intuitive abilities, help link the human mind to the universal consciousness, and develop your connection to Spirit.

Fluorite is the Dyson of crystals, aside from maybe black obsidian, and should be cleansed often. Many people believe the color of fluorite you acquire can aid the associated chakra. (But Em and I are on the fence about Chakras colors due to the subjectivity of colors and the westernization of Chakra beliefs in the U.S. For more information on Chakras and the 8 main chakras please see our content on Chakras!)

Red Jasper, A Little Bit of Everything


Now for my favorite, Red Jasper. Generally associated with grounding and the Earth, Red Jasper is true to my giant Muladhara chakra. Geologically speaking, jasper is a mixture of many minerals. The heavily patterned stones are associated with creativity and mental focus. Promoting justice, stimulating intuitive insight allowing you to gain new perspectives into any problems or challenges you may be facing. This stone is also said to help you with remembering your dreams and engaging in shamanic journeys or astral travel. Red Jasper is also thought to aid in asserting your personal boundaries, bring peace, and calmness to encourage you to lend a helping hand (or to receive one from others), and encourage nurturing attitudes and behaviors as well as stabilize your overall energy.  The Egyptians considered Red Jasper the “blood of Isis” and believed burying passed loved ones with a drop-shaped pendant would give them the courage needed to face the judgment of Osiris in the afterlife.   

Labradorite: A Little Bit of Everything 


And last but not least labradorite. This crystal is considered one of the most powerful protector stones creating a shield for auras and protection against the general negativity of the world. In addition to subduing the negativity of our surroundings, labradorite is thought to temper the negativity within ourselves, as well. The stone is associated with transformation, enhancing strength and inner worth, unlocking your ability to speak your truth, and is known for “changing colors”.

If you look closely at your labradorite stone you may notice an iridescent shimmer within. According to Inuit legend, a warrior saw lights (the iridescent shimmer you can see) trapped within the stones. To free the lights he struck the labradorite or “firestones” with his spear, thus creating the Northern Lights. 

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As you can see, just these 10 basic crystals for beginners are pretty powerful and super cool! If you liked the few legends and lore associated with a few crystals and are wondering why Em and I didn’t cover a more comprehensive history of crystals it’s because there isn’t one! Each crystal has numerous histories and tall tales associated with them depending on the point in time of history and where in the world you are talking about the stones. So if you want to know more about any other stones we haven’t covered or wish to learn more about the histories of each stone, let us know by commenting on our YouTube video.

You can also watch and listen to our 10 basic crystals for beginners on our YouTube Channel and Podcast episode. (Available on most podcast streaming platforms.) Until next time, for all your information and entertainment for everything metaphysical Em and I are your META PSYCKICKS!


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