Patreon - Join the PsycKicks!


Already a friendly neighborhood meta-psyckick, welcome! And if you're new to us, epic! Our Patreon page is the heart of our friendly neighborhood we've been mentioning in our content. A place where psyckicks from all over can feel welcomed and accepted to learn, share, and grow on their own spiritual journies.

Here you will be able to connect with others who share the same "para", "meta", and "ab-normal" experiences all while laughing, learning, and dad-joking your way through this life with us. So join us as we make oddities into normalcy, one bad pun at a time.


 Meta PsycKicks’ Patreon is a monthly subscription providing much more than your monthly magazine subscription. We’re talking about all kinds of entertainment our current free content can’t provide such as:

  1. Behind The Scenes and Exclusive Bloopers

  2. O.G 1st Edition Merchandise

  3. Exclusives Discord Chat Rooms

  4. Discount Rates for Services, Merchandise, and Live Shows

  5. Exclusive Access to New Merchandise

  6. Top Secret Listener’s Stories Reveals and Content Selection Priority

  7. Early Access to Videos

  8. Exclusive Services Not For Sale on Our Public Website

  9. Monthly Livestreams

  10. Metaphysical Business Tips


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Patreon - Join the PsycKicks!

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