Are You a Sensitive, Psychic, Medium?!
We let the 5 senses shape and guide our day to day lives, creating our realities. But still, people experience the world differently. Even if we experience similar events, each person’s perception may hold a different truth. Sharing different perceptions of an experience sometimes results in skepticism from others leading to these individuals not sharing their experiences with others for fear of being “different”. But its okay to be different.
If you’re reading this, you may have experienced parts of this world a tad bit differently. These discordant perceptions of the world around you may be attributed to not only the understood 5 senses, but extensions of them, your metaphysical senses.
Our ability to perceive things using more than our 5 senses is sometime attributed to “gut feelings”, “instincts”, or “intuition”, but it may be much more. Based on how strongly you are able to perceive your surroundings using your metaphysical sense, you may just simply be more “sensitive” to the world around you, or you may have more fine-tuned abilities. Follow along the flow-chart below to learn if you are a Sensitive, Psychic, or Medium!
A sensitive is an individual who has heightened senses to the metaphysical. A Sensitive’s metaphysical senses include the perception of another thing’s energy (living and inanimate). Depending on the maturity of your metaphysical senses, you may be able to pick up on another person’s emotions. Almost feeling them as your own. You may be moved to feel physical emotions when you experience a certain event, or ”inanimate” object. Being moved to tears when you hear a certain song for the first time (with or without words) is often something a sensitive may experience. Or, physically feeling the beauty, sadness or other emotion(s) within an object.
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Depending on your beliefs, the colors you may see or associate with a certain thing or person is an Aura or Chakra. All things in our physical word are made up of energy and you perceive this energy outside of the 5 general senses. Other people may categorize you as “emotional” or “sensitive”, but you are simply more in-tune with the constant and changing energy around you.
It is your sensitive abilities that allow you take in the world’s energy around you, but unlike a Sensitive you are able to understand the energy’s origin and possible path. Every day you pick up and process certain energies from your surroundings, when you sleep your mind beings to process these energies resulting in vivid and multiple dreams. You are maybe able to perceive the energies associated with people and objects.
Depending on your metaphysical sensing abilities you may know where an object came from or how it was made. People have this type of energy associated with them as well. Your metaphysical ability to interpret this information allows you to understand portions of the person’s present and/or past. In some scenarios you may be able to see how an event may unfold.
You are merely able to perceive the continuing flow of the energy associated with that event, person, or object. It is important to note that like a traveling object, energy can be influenced by the energies around it, this is called “free-will” and can change the endpoint/outcome of the energies’ flow.
Psychic Medium
It is your Sensitive, and Psychic abilities of Past, Present, and Future that allow you to metaphysically sense the energies of the dead. All things in this world are made up of energy. The 1st law of Thermodynamics states that energy is neither created nor destroyed. The physical energy associated with a living being is merely transferred into the physical energy of its surroundings, but what happens to a person’s spiritual energy or soul?
“What happens to a person’s spiritual energy or soul?”
That question is a bit harder to answer but spiritual energy, like physical, does follow the 1st law of Thermodynamics and is not lost, but transferred. As a Medium, you are able to perceive an individual’s spiritual energy if they present it to you. A spirit is able to manifest their spiritual energy in ways that you can intercept. These energies can present as Thoughts, Feelings, Emotions, and Images that you can differentiate as not your own.
Spirits use your Past, and Present Psychic abilities to share with you things that have happened in their past lives, and they use your Present Psychic senses to share things that are happening in the physical world they no longer physically inhabit.
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